Common Ways Alcohol is Hidden by Teenagers

It is no surprise that teenagers come up with inventive ways to sneak things past their parents and other authority figures. However, in order to protect children, it is important to stay informed on the possible techniques that teenagers use, and stay informed regarding the different ways to tell if a teenager is abusing alcohol.

Alcohol is one of the most common substances abused by teenagers, likely because it is so easy to obtain. Alcohol often already in the home is usually what children will take when they want to experiment with drinking. Keeping tabs on alcohol stocks is one way to ensure that that children are not stealing the beverages, but experts have gotten together to come up with other warning signs and possible ways that teenagers hide alcohol use.

This generation of teenagers is more adept on the internet than ever before. Nowadays there are several videos on Youtube and other websites that lay out step-by-step instructions on how to get away with drinking alcohol while in school. Monitoring what websites teenagers visit is a good way of knowing if they are involved in this type of activity.

In addition to guides on how to drink alcohol in school, the internet is full of other ways to consume alcohol, oftentimes with the goal to do it under the noses of parents, teachers and law enforcement. Children can search the internet for recipes on how to infuse gummy bears with alcohol, how to in inhale alcohol or how to make alcohol infused popsicles.

While teenagers may find tricky ways to get away with consuming alcohol, it is not likely that they will be able to hide the fact that they are drunk. Alcohol on the breath or clothes is a common indicator that a person has been drinking. Additionally, if parents notice that their child’s behavior is different all of a sudden they might be dealing with an alcohol or drug issue. Alcohol affects teenagers in the same ways that it affects adults; vomiting, talking loudly, extreme emotions, loss of balance and slurred speech are all signs that alcohol may have been ingested.

What Professions Have the Highest Alcohol Abuse Rates

Researchers have investigated which industries have the highest rate of alcohol addiction. They have classified heavy drinking as more than five or more drinks in one sitting five or more times in a month. They also looked into what professions have the highest rate of drug use. It appears that workers who are employed in construction positions or hard labor are more likely to abuse alcohol, while those that are in food service or in the arts are more likely to consume illegal drugs.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) compiled data gathered from 19 different fields of work and specifically looked at workers aged 18 to 64. The results show that the mining and construction fields have the worst rates of alcohol abuse. Over 15% of employees consume more than five alcoholic beverages in a sitting multiple times a month. This information coincides with reports that show that seasonal hard labor workers are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, and in fact have driven the methamphetamine use rate in states like Montana, through the roof. It is unclear exactly why workers who are in construction or mining have a difficult time with alcohol, but some surmise that it may have something to do with being away from families, and the physical demands the work requires of individuals.

Illegal drug use is high among those that work in the restaurant business. Close to 20% of workers abuse drugs like heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine. People who go into the arts and entertainment field are also more likely to abuse drugs. The report shows that 11.5% of these employees abuse drugs. People who work for the utilities have also reported a high rate of substance abuse, with a 10.3% rate of addiction.

Interestingly, people in management positions ranked high on the list of groups that abuse illegal drugs. 12.1 percent of these people reported illegal drug use. Professions with the least amount of drug and alcohol use are; the healthcare sector and educational providers.

Dangers in Letting Children Try Alcohol

Many parents have let their children have sips of alcohol, usually in an attempt to satisfy their curiosity and to show that the taste is not pleasant. Prior to that, infants have had alcohol rubbed on their gums to numb their teething discomfort, but in neither case are parents attempting to get their children to want to drink. While most people would assume that allowing a child to try a sip of alcohol is not doing any harm, experts agree that it is likely sending the wrong message to impressionable children.

“I would say that it is advisable not to offer your child a sip of your beverage, as it may send the wrong message – younger teens and tweens may be unable to understand the difference between drinking a sip and drinking one or more drinks,” explained Kristina Jackson, one of the co-authors of the study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Researchers who conducted the study compiled data from surveys taken of 561 children in middle school. They found that of all the kids who admitted to sipping alcohol before the sixth grade, 26 percent of them had their first full glass of alcohol before the ninth grade. The children who had never sipped alcohol were much less likely to drink, as only six percent of them had consumed a glass of alcohol by the time they entered high school.

In 2008, a similar study indicated that allowing children to sip alcohol at a young age decreased the likelihood of further underage drinking. Researchers have since realized that that study compared different groups of children. They found that the researchers in the early study compared children who got alcohol from parents and children who got alcohol from other adults. It i snow more clear that any sort of drinking at a young age can increase the chances of alcohol consumption later on.

Researchers of the study hope that parents will take this information and understand that giving any amount of alcohol to children isn’t the smartest thing to do.

The Connection Between Drinking and Cancer

Scientists have poured over thousands of cases of liver cancer trying to determine if there were any common denominators among the patients. They found that many of the patients who reported liver cancer were drinkers. However, contrary to what most people may think, these people may not necessarily be heavy drinkers.

The scientists realized that people who drink 3 drinks a day are increasing their risk for liver disease by 12%. People who consume more than 3 drinks may be at an even greater risk for acquiring liver or other types of cancer.

“Around three or more drinks per day can be enough to cause liver cancer. Until now we were uncertain about the amount of alcohol likely to lead to liver cancer. But the research reviewed in this report is strong enough to be more specific,” explained Amanda McLean, the director of the World Cancer Research Fund in the UK.

Experts are quick to point out that this new information is important because it shows people that even moderate drinkers can be at severe risk. Some people are under the impression that it is ok to have a few drinks a night with no repercussions. The researchers caution that in order to strengthen one’s chances of not getting liver cancer, alcoholic beverages should be limited, and a more ideal situation would be for people to abstain from consuming alcohol.

Other experts in the field are hoping that this research will further enlighten people to the dangers of consuming alcohol. Currently alcohol is the most abused substance in our country; however the social acceptance of alcoholic beverages seems to outweigh the potential for abuse and physical problems. Liver cancer is just one of the many health problems one can acquire from consuming too much alcohol.

College Students and Alcohol

It is no surprise that alcohol is a major problem on many college campuses throughout the country. Teenagers and young adults are away from home for the first time and thrown into an environment where drinking is not only accepted by other students, but encouraged.

Despite college administrators and campus police monitoring the nightlife, students are more likely to binge drink and experience black outs than they were when they were in high school or after they graduate. In order to provide an outlet for students that are struggling with an alcohol problem, a program was created called the Association of Recovery in Higher Education. The association works with over 135 colleges to provide support, education and counseling to students who have a drinking problem.

“We operate from a standpoint of identifying with students’ worries about consequences. We work with them in terms of where they are and what their motivation to make changes is,” explained Dan Perry, senior coordinator of the alcohol and drug program at Duke University.

In order to ensure that college students are receiving the help they need and getting back on track with their studies, many colleges are encouraging those with alcohol problems to seek out the counseling program, or a similar substitute. Meetings and counseling sessions provide an outlet for students to discuss their concerns about their drinking, their education and the impact that their choices have had on their college career. Experts agree that the sooner a person acknowledges a drinking problem the less likely they are to do irreversible damages to their life, body and relationships.

One of the biggest problems that college students who are trying to abstain from alcohol face is that nearly everyone around them is drinking. Unfortunately, part of the fabric of college life is the nightlife and socialization. When a college student has an alcohol problem they are constantly faced with watching other people do the very thing that they themselves cannot. The anxiety and frustration that can come from this type of alienation illustrates the importance of seeking professional help on campus.

Alcohol-Related Homicides More Common Among Troubled Youth

Most people would assume that a life of drug dealing and gang banging puts a person directly in the path of death. It is not a strange assumption, as the news and newspapers are constantly filled with articles stating another person has died in a drug-related homicide. While it is true that the gang lifestyle and drug dealing are dangerous and produce many unnecessary fatalities, there is one activity that is more deadly by comparison – alcohol abuse.

A new study led by Professor Linda Teplin of Northwestern University shows that there are more homicides associated with alcohol abuse than those involving dealing drugs or being involved in a gang. Experts believe that this may be because younger people tend to drink alcohol put themselves in situations that can easily become volatile.

Researchers decided to look into this by examining the deaths of 1,829 younger people who were formerly in a youth detention center. Of the main factors associated with these premature deaths, those diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder had that highest percentage – more so than the other factors that people would typically thing are more life-threatening.

“People who drink are often in situations where tempers flare. Bad things can happen: barroom brawls, drinking on the front steps on a hot summer night,” explained Teplin.

The professor also points out that many children who abuse alcohol also have signs of other problems in their lives. Personality disorders, anger issues, depression and toxic home environments all play a major factor in a child’s use of alcohol. Being aware of the problems that precede alcohol abuse seems to be an important factor in preventing more alcohol-related deaths. Spotting warning signs and triggers early on in a child’s life may prevent them from being involved in an alcohol-related homicide.

Revisiting Alcohol’s Supposed Benefits

Updated research on the potential benefits of consuming a small amount of alcohol shows that it may not be all that healthy. After pouring over ten years’ worth of information, scientists believe they have located the original study’s mistakes and how these mistakes may have led to an increased amount of people consuming alcohol, buying into the notion that a glass of wine a day is good for your heart.

Researchers today say that the study promoting wine for heat health was poorly ran and made some glaring errors. The first error was that they combined people who have never consumed alcohol in the same group as people who used to be drinkers. Former alcoholics are likely to have health problems and experience depression. So, when researchers compared the health of people who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol to a group of people that consisted, in part, of former alcoholics they mistakenly came to the conclusion that those who drank in moderation were healthier.

“Given the harms attributed to alcohol use, it is not surprising that reports showing possible mortality benefits for low level users attracted enthusiasm among consumers, the media the alcohol industry. In health as elsewhere, if something looks too good to be true, it should be treated with great caution,” explained Craig Knott, lead author and researcher of the new meta study.

Ensuring that the public has the right information is vital. People who are inclined to drink too much are likely to use any excuse to justify this behavior. If a study comes out stating that some alcohol is healthy for a person that is just the reason someone may need to continue drinking and making poor decisions. Additionally, the perception that alcohol is healthy goes against what most people believe in the first place.

Arizona High on the List for Alcohol Poisoning Deaths

Earlier in January, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study that placed Arizona fourth in the country for alcohol poisoning deaths. Adults aged 35 to 65 accounted for 76 percent of the alcohol poisoning deaths. Alcohol poisoning occurs when a person consumes a lot of alcohol in a short amount of time and the body cannot process the drinks fast enough. As the state of Arizona geared up to host the Super Bowl, many residents were planning to consume large amounts of alcohol. Researchers warn that this type of behavior is what has lead Arizona to reach the number four spot on the list. Despite Arizona being the home of Universities and colleges, young adults are not the reason for the low ranking.

Binge drinkers are most susceptible to alcohol poisoning. Surprisingly, most binge drinkers are actually adult males aged 40 and above. Most people consider that teenagers are the biggest culprits of binge drinking, however surveys prove that older males are the largest groups of binge drinkers. This may be because they work all week and spend one or two nights during the weekend drinking, it could be that because many adult males either succeed in their career or fail at their careers during this age period that alcohol is used as either a celebratory drink or a means of alleviating stress. Additionally, single men are more likely to go to the emergency room for alcohol poisoning than married men. Regardless of the reasons, Arizona reported that around 780,000 residents in Arizona reported that engaged in binge drinking behavior in 2013.

Binge drinkers are not necessarily alcoholics, however their behavior makes them more susceptible to an alcohol addiction. Generally, binge drinking is either done because a person is happy or sad, and either way it is a damaging activity physically and emotionally because of the toxic load ingested. Extreme emotions often lead a person to binge drink (defined as five or more drinks in one time span). Substituting alcohol to handle a problem or problems in life on a continual basis will never be a permanent solution.

Another State to Join in on the Ban of Powered Alcohol

Illinois State Sen. Ira Silverstein of Chicago is the sponsor of a bill that would ban the sale of powdered alcohol, a product that has yet to reach store shelves. The Springfield bureau of Lee Enterprises Newspapers reports the proposal amends Illinois’ Liquor Control Act of 1934.

The FDA approved the product ‘in error’ in April 2014 before almost immediately reversing the approval.
Silverstein says his legislation is a “public safety bill” and doesn’t want the powered alcohol products to reach stores. Powdered alcohol is defined in Silverstein’s bill as “any powder or crystalline substance containing alcohol produced for human consumption.”

The website for Palcohol says that their product has both a digestible beverage formula and the industrial formula which is non-digestible. The site also claims that Prohibition has been proven not to work. “So the responsible action by a legislature should be to regulate powdered alcohol to keep it out of the hands of underage drinkers by having it sold in licensed liquor stores where a person must present a valid ID,” the website said.
Illinois’ plan comes as alcoholic powder producer, Palcohol, wants to make its line of products available to the public this spring. The company says banning their product would create a black market, making their perceived dangerous product into a truly dangerous product since there will be no regulation in a black market.
Silverstein’s legislation follows the lead of nearly a dozen states including New Jersey and New York that already passed similar bans on powdered alcohol.  Will Arizona follow suit, or will its large retirement population campaign against it of legislation is introduced?

Alcohol on TV a Potential Problem for Teens

Teenagers are often susceptible to peer pressure, negative comments, insecurities about their bodies, personalities and minds. There is evidence that alcohol-related TV ads are potentially harmful to teenagers as well. A new study shows that exposure to television ads that show alcohol increase the likelihood of adolescents picking up a drink. Further study also shows that those adolescents that are more likely to pick up a drink are also more likely to engage in risky and dangerous behavior when it comes to alcohol.

Currently, alcohol companies are self-regulating their ads when it comes to underage drinkers. This means that the companies are taking it upon themselves to keep their ads away from young viewers and thereby prevent them from being persuaded to drink because of the advertisements.

For years now, alcohol companies have claimed that their ads are shown on channels and at times when teenagers are not likely to be present. “Alcohol companies claim their advertising does not affect underage drinking – that instead it is parents and friends that are the culprits. This study suggests otherwise: that underage youths are exposed to and engaged by alcohol marketing, and this prompts initiation of drinking as well as transitions from trying to hazardous drinking,” explained James D. Sargent, a pediatrician and a pediatric oncology professor at Dartmouth University.

According to the study, viewers between the ages of 15 and 17 were over 23% likely to see televised ads relating to alcohol, that number is similar to viewers between the ages of 18 and 20. Despite what the marketing companies for alcohol beverages claim, both age groups are as likely to see these ads as those between the ages of 21 and 23. These numbers illustrate the discrepancy between what the alcohol companies are claiming and reality. Children are just as likely to view ads selling alcohol as those that are of drinking age.

Because of the familiarity with advertisements relating to alcohol, children are more receptive to alcohol. Researchers point out that a correlation between viewing these ads and binge drinking exists. 29% of children between the age of 15 and 17 report binge drinking, and 18% admit to risky behavior when it comes to alcohol.